Professional Development Bursary
The New Brunswick Kinesiology Association is now offering a professional development bursary to its certified members. The purpose of this bursary is to financially support Kinesiologists in the province to stay current and maintain standards in their professional practice.
Applications are due around the end of October. Award recipients will be announced during the AGM each year.
Refund of course or conference registration fees
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be a certified member in good standing of the NBKA
- Attendance at the course, convention or conference has been or will be held for the current year
- Have not previously received this award
- NBKA Board members are not eligible for this award
Submission guidelines:
All applications must be submitted in PDF format including:
- The name, location and date of the event.
- A description of the event (if possible attach a hyperlink).
- A short text explaining why this training will benefit your professional practice.
Your application must be emailed to nbkaaknb@gmail.com.
The registration fee, up to $500, will be reimbursed. This does not include accommodation, travel, meals or other associated costs. Proof of registration (official receipt) must be provided. The event must be held between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022.
Professional Services Award of Distinction
The NBKA now offers an award of distinction to a kinesiologist in the province who has demonstrated exemplary service to the profession through active and influential participation in the field of kinesiology through activities that influence the future and success of the profession in New Brunswick.
Applications are due around the end of October. Award recipients will be announced during the AGM each year.
Prize amount: $300
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be a certified member in good standing of the NBKA
- Must not have received this award previously
- NBKA Board members and their immediate family members are not eligible for this contest
Submission guidelines:
All applications must be submitted in PDF format including:
- A cover letter including:
-The candidate’s information (Name, Company, Position, Email)
-Nominator Information (If different from applicant) (Name, Company, Position, Email)
- Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae
- An essay (maximum 2 pages) explaining:
-The extent and impact of the nominee’s achievements in kinesiology. The nominator/nominee must briefly explain why he/she believes the nominee should receive this award of distinction.
The PDF file of your application must be emailed to nbkaaknb@gmail.com.
The NBKA now offers a door prize to certified members who attend the Annual General Meeting held in November each year. The purpose of this award is to encourage participation in the meetings of the society by stimulating a long-term commitment from its members.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be a certified member in good standing of the NBKA
- Must be present at the AGM
- Must not have received this award previously
- NBKA Board members are not eligible for this award
The contest will be conducted as a draw (one winner only) from among the certified members present at the Annual General Meeting during that same meeting.
The winner will be required to provide proof (official receipt) of his or her certified membership in the NBKA for the year following the AGM. For example, the NBKA will reimburse the recipient for the 2023 membership fee when he/she wins the contest held at the 2022 AGM.
Without an official receipt, the NBKA will not be able to reimburse the award holder.
Contest Policy
- NBKA reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to change, cancel or reschedule each of its contests without notice at any time.
- Winners’ names may be posted on the AKNB website and social media pages.
- For prizes requiring reimbursement (Member Engagement Award, Professional Development Scholarship), AKNB will require proof such as an official receipt. Without a receipt, AKNB will not be able to issue a refund.