NBKA among the ten research teams at Patient’s Den

On October 3rd, the 2nd annual Patients’ Den was held in La Salle Richelieu on the Université de Moncton campus. The event saw 10 research teams pitch their research projects that have to align with NB Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovation priorities. Among those 10 research teams, Professor Grant Handrigan from Université de Moncton presented his project in collaboration with the New Brunswick Kinesiology Association.
As part of this short presentation, Professor Handrigan also promoted kinesiology as a viable health profession as part of an integrated health care solution.
This event was facilitated by the honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Member of Parliament for Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe and the federal minister of health.
Professor Handrigan unfortunately did not receive the funding for the proposed project, but nonetheless this was a great opportunity for kinesiologists in New Brunswick to promote their work and present themselves as a health profession.
We would like to thank Professor Handrigan for his implication and his time in promoting kinesiology in New Brunswick.